【住宅】圣易文设计 翡翠松山湖滨湖花园别墅样板房 • 大隐于市,喧嚣处寻觅逸趣风雅



Thiselegant building by the lake, integrated into the landscape,will never fail tofascinate people. The emotion inspired by the atmosphere of elegancy, makingpeople who live here enjoy the serenity of nature in the busy urbanism.


Thetheory of harmony founded in the design concept. Black and white decorationscreate the balance from the aesthetical point of view. Hundreds splendid goldenstars radiate dazzlingly underneath the marvelous dome. Glamour vases are seton the Ming style furniture nearby theflyaway plants. All thesesettings are appreciated by those sophisticated citizens.


Overhere, philosophy of East and Technology of West make an interesting combinationwhich brings unique DNA to the living room. Furniture has been settled at themost appropriate position. Grass and trees outside the window bring the innerpeace to every guest in the saloon.


Sunlight,as the best morning ring for a good day, wakepeople up at dawn,make theirdream seemingly come true. 


Balconyis always the best place for talking. The company of friends could warm peopleeven in the rainy winter night.


Theinterior decorationfeatures traditional Chinese painting which reveals a senseof ancient Chinese favor.


Itis a bold design to applya symmetrical layout for the parlor. The ceiling witha specific pattern, the lantern in concise style, the match of lake blue andsunset orange, the furniture covered by traditional pattern texture, all thoseelements in the parlor present a Chinese favor through western method,wish tolet people catching a glimpse of a elegancy in crowd.


Theusage of Chinese Screen splits the space, also reunion them with thetraditional Eastern aesthetic by means of the painting on the Screen.

圣易文设计 | 翡翠松山湖滨湖花园别墅样板房



项目名称 | 翡翠松山湖---滨湖花园4D#01户型别墅样板房室内设计

设计机构 | 深圳市圣易文设计事务所有限公司

服务范畴 | 室内设计、陈设设计、园林、灯光

设计面积 | 1000m

竣工时间 | 2016年10月

设计主材 | 翡翠木纹大理石、水晶白大理石、蜘蛛玉大理石、红龙玉大理石、梅尔斯金大理石、木饰面、等

软装品牌 | ACF /环球视野/米兰映像/安缦/匠心/春在东方

供稿 / 深圳市圣易文设计事务所有限公司

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